Things to Consider if You’re Considering Veneers

Dental veneers are one of the best ways to improve the appearance of stained, chipped, uneven, or smaller-than-average teeth in the mouth. Made from thin, realistic-looking shells of porcelain or composite material, The Roddy Dental Clinic in Beavercreek will custom-fit the veneers to your existing teeth. Veneers typically require no extractions, and when installed, they demand no unusual care.


What Exactly Are Veneers

Tooth veneers are shells, or overlays, which are applied to the front surfaces of teeth to improve the appearance of natural teeth. They can hide imperfections, add to the illusion of perfection, brighten severely discolored teeth, improve gumline appearance, and create an even, symmetrical smile.

Only one or two teeth may require veneers to disguise imperfections. However, many patients opt to veneer six to eight front teeth to create a dazzling smile. The most veneered teeth are the front eight top teeth.


Types of Veneers

Various veneers exist today: Porcelain, those fabricated from composite dental resin, and modern no-prep porcelain veneer options like Lumineers and Vivaneers. Traditional veneers require grinding a portion of the tooth’s surface as well as the enamel. It involves intensive prep work and can be painful, requiring anesthesia.

Newer veneers remove only the outer enamel surface and typically do not require temporary veneers, while a lab fabricates the permanent veneers to fit the teeth.


Veneers Are Costly

Although veneers can dramatically improve the quality of your smile, they are expensive. Because they are a strictly cosmetic improvement, the cost is not commonly covered by insurance. If you are considering tooth veneers, be sure to discuss all available options for improvement with your dental professional.

Many patients consider veneers a long-term investment, but it is an investment and a process not to be taken lightly.

Want to Learn More?

Contact Keep Smiling Dental at either our Indian Ripple or Lakeview location to schedule an appointment.

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