How Do Clear Correct Aligners Work?

Clear Correct is a type of clear aligner similar to Invisalign. This brand of orthodontic corrective devices can help straighten crooked teeth, fix bite issues, and make your smile more symmetrical. With the help of clear trays, which are virtually invisible to the naked eye, it’s usually the preferred method if you’re faced with a choice between them or traditional metal braces. We’ll look at how they work and what you’ll need to know.

Who Can Wear Clear Correct Aligners in Beavercreek?

Clear Correct is typically recommended for people with mild to moderate issues. So, if you have more severe crowding or bite misalignment, you may need traditional metal braces to fix the problems. However, for many people, clear aligners in Beavercreek, OH, are a suitable fix that requires a little less work on your part and far less reflection interference from the brackets and wires.

How Often Do I Wear Clear Aligners?

A dentist will tell you to wear your clear aligners for at least 22-hours a day, essentially only taking them out to eat or clean the trays. You’ll also need to see your dentist in Beavercreek, OH once every six weeks or so to ensure that the clear aligners are working.

The Benefits of Clear Correct

Invisible trays can help you stay on schedule, particularly as you start to see results. As your teeth straighten out, it will become that much easier to brush and floss, which can help you keep everything from gum disease to tooth decay at bay. If you’re looking for an orthodontic team that can give you an expert evaluation, call Keep Smiling Today!

4 Reasons to Consider Clear Correct for Straightening Your Smile

If you need to correct your bite or tooth alignment, your dentist in Beavercreek, OH may recommend a few options. Some patients use braces to straighten their teeth while others turn to Clear Correct. Clear Correct is a type of clear aligner that can gently and subtly move the teeth into place. Many patients love Clear Correct! In this article, we’ll talk about why.

1. Clear Correct is Subtle

Clear Correct clear aligners are difficult to see, especially from a short distance. Whereas braces can get in the way of people seeing your beautiful teeth, Clear Correct is made from clear plastic. When wearing Clear Correct, you won’t have to worry about your smile being affected by your clear aligners.

2. Clear Correct Can Be Removed for Cleaning

Cleaning your teeth is easy when using Clear Correct to straighten your teeth. Remove ClearCorrect aligners to brush your teeth. Clean your aligners at the same time. It’s also a good idea to rinse Clear Correct throughout the day to keep them looking their best.

3. You Don’t Have to Give Up Favorite Foods for Clear Correct

When you wear braces, you have to give up certain foods to avoid doing damage to the braces. Some foods can even get stuck in your braces and harm your teeth. This doesn’t happen when you have Clear Correct aligners.

4. Clear Correct is Effective

Clear Correct aligners gently move your teeth into the correct position. When you need to correct your bite or straighten your teeth, Clear Correct can help. For many people, Clear Correct are as effective as braces.

If you’re interested in Clear Correct in Beavercreek, OH, the professionals at Keep Smiling Dental can help. Call today to make an appointment and learn more about Clear Correct.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

If your teeth are crooked or misaligned, you may need intervention from a dental professional to make your teeth straight. For some patients, clear aligners are the solution to this problem.

Clear aligners are commonly used in place of braces to straighten teeth and realign the jaw. Your dentist in Beavercreek, OH, can help you decide whether you need clear aligners. If your dentist recommends them, here’s what you should know.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are made from trays of clear plastic custom-made to fit over your teeth. Like braces, they are designed to move your teeth gently into the correct position. Unlike braces, clear aligners are difficult to see and easy to remove. These features make clear aligners far more convenient than braces, and many patients prefer clear aligners for this reason.

How Do They Work?

Clear aligners work by gently forcing your teeth into a different position. Your dentist will give you a series of clear aligners for this purpose. The first set of aligners will start transitioning your teeth into the position that your dentist would like them to take. Each new set of clear aligners will further push your teeth into place until your teeth and jaw are finally in the correct position.

Are Clear Aligners Right for Me?

Some people can benefit from clear aligners or braces, and others need braces. Your dentist can help you decide if clear aligners or braces are the right fit for you.

Are you interested in getting clear aligners in Beavercreek, OH? If so, contact your dentist at Keep Smiling Dental. We can help! We provide diagnostic and treatment services for patients who need jaw and tooth realignment.