What to do When Your Dental Bridge Fails
A dental bridge is a lifesaver for anyone with missing teeth. Whether that dental bridge replaces one, two or three missing teeth, it means that the person no longer has to be embarrassed about the gap, can eat normal foods (without running the blender full-time), and can reasonably expect good oral health moving forward. But dental bridges in Beavercreek, OH, like bridges in the outside world, aren’t impervious to damage. They can fail. Not often, but it’s possible. Here’s what to do if this happens to you.
Contact Your Dentist
First things first is to contact your dentist and let them know what’s going on. Once you explain the situation, they’ll be able to book you into an appointment to repair or replace the bridge so you won’t have to go too long with the situation as-is.
Avoid Further Damage
Do what you can to avoid chewing on the affected side to prevent worsening the problem, or avoid biting into things if it’s in the front upper or lower arch. If the bridge is loose, don’t try to force it back into place; this may cause more harm than good.
Preserve the Bridge
If the bridge has come out completely, keep it in a safe place and bring it to your dentist. Don’t wrap it in tissue, since the tissue particles could dissolve and make it harder for your dentist to repair it. It might be repairable or used to create a replacement. Don’t run out to the drugstore and use adhesives or over-the-counter repair kits, either. Just tuck it away—possibly in a small plastic storage container with sturdy walls, and await your appointment.
Your Beavercreek, OH dentist at Keep Smiling Dental will see you as soon as possible if your bridge fails, even if you didn’t originally get the bridge here. Contact us today to learn more.