These Habits Can Sabotage Your Invisalign® Treatment

Invisalign® is one of the latest and greatest innovations in dental alignment solutions. Its advantages far outweigh any downsides, which is why so many people are opting for this low-profile method of improving their smiles. If you’ve recently hadInvisalign in Beavercreek, OH, you’ll want to know what to avoid during the process. Here are the habits that can sabotage your Invisalign® treatment.

Not Wearing It Long Enough

Invisalign® aligners are removable, but they still must be worn for a minimum of 21 hours per 24-hour period for them to be effective. If you take them out to go to sleep each night, you’ve already brought the time down to 16 hours. Not wearing it for at least 21 hours each day will significantly increase your treatment time.

Not Handling It Property

These aligners are made to be durable, but they aren’t impervious to bad treatment. You should use a gentle hand when inserting and removing it. Even when you’re cleaning it, use gentleness, with soft brush bristles and a gentle—not vigorous—scrubbing motion.

Not Storing It Properly

Unless the aligner is in your mouth, it should be in its storage case. Even if you take it out for just a few minutes, it should go directly into its case; not on your desk, not on the bathroom countertop. It only takes one mistake for someone else to accidentally sit on it, brush it off the counter or even throw it away while cleaning. Treat it like you would anything else that’s delicate.

Yourdentist in Beavercreek, OH at Keep Smiling Dental can provide you with all the aftercare instructions, but it’s up to you to ensure you adhere to them in order to keep your Invisalign® treatment on track.

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